Version 1.2.1: 12/30/23
Added an output volume slider in the Choose Output Device box
Added a button in the primary tool bar and naviagtion panel that directs to the Music Painter helpage (external link)
Added the Emotional Progression algroithm that aims to display color schemes that resemble the emotions depicted from
an audio file or live recording using frequency data (beta)
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue regarding input and output devices. Headsets and some other audio devices caused
internal audio configuration errors and resulted in no audio input or ouput
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with the Background Color feature. Upon exiting the internal window, rather than clicking
"Ok" or "Cancel," the canvas would be set to black, regardless of the previous or current color selection
Version 1.2.0 Downloads
Programmed & Designed by Luke Zolenski, Don Spickler, & Kyle Tranfaglia
Developed in Python using the PySide, SciPy, and PyAudio toolsets
Version 1.2.1
© Music Painter 2024. All rights reserved.